Joel Fleming, Microcaps Portfolio Manager, sits down with Ausbiz’s Andrew Geoghegan to talk through the current conditions facing the Australian small and microcap sector. Joel touches on some key market dynamics impacting valuations, and details sectors and companies he’s favouring despite the challenges of persistent inflation, heightened geopolitical risk and tighter monetary policy.
4 Dec 2023
Joel Fleming, Microcaps Portfolio Manager, sits down with Ausbiz’s Andrew Geoghegan to talk through the current conditions facing the Australian small and microcap sector. Joel touches on some key market dynamics impacting valuations, and details sectors and companies he’s favouring despite the challenges of persistent inflation, heightened geopolitical risk and tighter monetary policy.
22 Nov 2022
APRA’s ‘Uneconomic’ Refinancings: Own Goal in the Making
With the RBA continuing to stoke market volatility as it ratchets interest rates higher, it seems APRA, Australia’s other financial...
4 minute read
24 Mar 2021
Fond memories
With the post-COVID economic recovery exceeding expectations, Dion Hershan, Head of Australian Equities, looks at the potential return of cyclical...
3 minute read