
Webinar: Evolving Companies Benefiting from ESG Disruption

October 5, 2021
Webinar: Evolving Companies Benefiting from ESG Disruption

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) focused investing isn’t a transitionary fad. It is here to stay for the long term as more investors switch to a sustainable investment approach with an emphasis on ESG.

We recently hosted an interactive, ESG-themed webinar for clients with Iain Fulton, Global Equity Portfolio Manager at partner Nikko Asset Management Group.

During the session, Iain details some of the major changes occurring in consumer tastes and demand patterns that are being driven by a range of social and environmental factors, including how investors can benefit from these opportunities.

The replay is now available, and can be viewed here.

Note: this webinar is available to members of a financial institution, financial services licensees, wholesale/professional investors, professional consultants, researchers and financial advisers.
